You've been wanting to make a change; you just don't know where to start.
Well, you've come to the right place, girlfriend.
Sit down, grab a cup of matcha, and unwind; your life is about to get simplified! Whoop Whoop!
But First, in order to make this change, you have to know what your changing to.
What is Wholistic Living?
Wholistic living is about being in tune with your mind, body, soul, and the environment. In order to achieve optimal health, one has to understand that the relationship between these four things is symbiotic, they depend on each other.
You can't be fully healthy if your dealing with drug addiction, emotional issues, or the water your drinking is full of toxic chemicals.
This way of life is about consciousness, mindfulness, and being one with yourself and your surroundings. This means you have to watch what you put in and on your body, what you let into your home, what you let into your mind.
It means you have to become more aware of what you expose yourself and your family to. With that being said, here are 5 things you can do to jumpstart your wholistic journey.
Purge Your Home of All Toxic Cleaning Supplies.
Your home is supposed to be your refuge away from the craziness. It should be tranquil, a place to regroup and reset until you have to go out into the madness again.
It should be as pure and clean as possible. Some of the biggest pollutants are disguised in your home: those great smelling air fresheners, the pine fresh cleaner, and your laundry detergent.
Almost everything that you use to keep your house clean and sanitary has toxic chemicals in it.
Some of these chemicals are known carcinogens, hormone disruptors, and skin allergens. If you don't believe me, look at the ingredients list, if they are listed; and google each one- don't worry, I'll wait.
The sad part is that most of the all purpose cleaners don't even put what's in them, so you really don't know what you're using.
The truth is, you can get a sparkling clean house with just a few natural, non toxic ingredients such as:
distilled water
castile soap
baking soda
washing soda
citric acid
essential oils
vegetable glycerin
These eleven ingredients can be used to clean everything from your dishes to your clothes, including yourself!
2. Rid Your Refrigerator, Pantry & Cabinets of All Processed Foods.
The majority of the foods we eat nowadays are processed. They contain added colors, flavors, and preservatives.
Not all of the preservatives are safe to consume, and if consumed often can cause cancer and other illnesses. I understand it's hard, with today's hectic life, to prep and cook all your meals; however, it's safer and more nutritious to eat whole foods that you prepare yourself.
You can prep and cook meals in advance, use a crock pot to prepare meals while at work, or eat more raw foods- like salads, nuts, and fruits.
One trick that I use is to prepare a large amount of baked chicken, divide it into three portions:
leave some plain
make barbecue from some
and add gravy to the other.
Another trick is to batch cook your sides I usually do this on a Sunday, as I don't do much on that day. I use it to recoup and get ready for the next week. I usually sleep in late, wash my clothes, batch cook, and prep my meals for the week. Once you get into a schedule it becomes second nature.
There are many benefits to eating a whole foods diet:
You save money
Rich in vitamins and minerals
Consume less calories
Contain more fiber and beneficial fats
Helps regulate blood sugar levels and so much more
Today, I'm going to stop here, let you digest this information and take inventory around your home.
These first two steps, are by far the most important. Even if you just do these two things and nothing else, you will notice a big change in how you feel, your health, and your mindset.
I have added links to some helpful downloads to get you started on your way.
I'll discuss the next 3 steps:
Peace and Blessings!
Hey, luv! I'm Robin.
I'm a beauty professional, wife, mother of 8, and Naani of 9 with a passion for Wholistic Living! I'm dedicated to helping others become green and toxic free with the help of herbs, essential oils, crystals, prayer, meditation, positive mindset, and gratitude journaling.
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to read part 2 Click Here!