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In part 1 I talked about detoxifying your home and getting rid of processed foods. Next are steps 3-5 exercise,mindset, and prayer/meditation.


​3. Start an Exercise Routine


Regular exercise is an important part of being healthy. Exercise can help us get better quality sleep, increase our energy levels, improve brain function, memory, and mood.


This doesn't have to be anything huge - like a star athlete type workout. The point is to start moving. Start by doing just 20 minutes a day and build on that.


The best thing you can do is take a walk in nature - not only does this burn calories but helps relieve stress and improves a mindfulness practice by reducing overactive thinking as well. Being in nature resets your human clock and improves biorhythms to their more natural state.  


Exercise strengthens the body and mind making you more resistant to physical illness. Exercise also releases endorphins.


Don't forget yoga - mindfulness, improved spiritual wellness, better posture, strength, flexibility, cardiovascular training, back and neck pain relief, detoxification and stress relief are just some of its many benefits. There are 10 minute HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts you could do if your short on time. Like Nike says: Just Do It!
























4. Change Your Mindset


This one is extremely important. Our society causes us to be over achievers and perfectionists. We feel like we have to look, dress, and act a certain way in order to attain happiness. We're taught through marketing campaigns that being beautiful, career focused, and obsessed with the latest shiny objects equals success and happiness.


This is far from true - happiness comes from within. Happiness comes from being grateful and content with what you have. Does that mean you can strive for more? No, it just means appreciate what you have, focus on the good, and strive for the future.


Stop beating yourself up about your imperfections, focus on what you have going for you. Adopt and attitude of gratitude - everyday before you go to bed write down at least 5 things you are grateful for that day. Keep a gratitude journal either by writing down those 5 things or using gratitude prompts. Both of these methods are very beneficial.


Stop the negative self talk. Stop talking shit to yourself. Speak positive and beautiful words of encouragement to yourself. Initiate a positive affirmation practice. Pick 10 things that you would like to be different - whether it's a better job, or losing weight. Write down the negative thing you feel and then turn it into a positive. once you have 10 positive things, write them down and recite them everyday.


You'll notice with these two practices you'll start to feel better about your life and yourself.  Go ahead give it a try - what do you have to lose?


5. Start a Prayer or Meditation Routine.


The hustle and bustle of day to day life can be so stressful and draining. Life's hardships can take a toll on you spiritually, mentally, and physically. One of the best ways to prepare yourself is to develop a prayer/meditation routine. Taking 5-10 minutes to refocus throughout the day can be reenergizing and beneficial.


There are things that we deal with on a daily basis that causes us stress, anxiety, or worry. Taking time to quiet the mind and spirit is beneficial and can relieve these feelings. Let's face it, stress is our enemy! Stress is what makes us, as a society, sick and fat. The more we can alleviate stress, the healthier we will become.    


How to Meditate  



There are lots and lots of ways to meditate. Today we will just focus on a simple meditation practice. The goal is to form the daily habit of meditation. 


  1.  Pick a length of time to meditate. Commit to just 2 minutes a day. Start simply if you want the habit to stick. 

  2.  Pick a time and trigger. Not an exact time of day, but a general time, like in the morning when you first wake up, or during your morning commute. The trigger should be something you already do regularly, like when you drink your coffee, brush your teeth, or eat lunch. 

  3.  Find a quiet spot. Early morning, before others wake up and make a lot of noise, is best. A park or on the beach or some other soothing setting works well too - it really doesn’t matter where, as long as you can sit without being bothered for a few minutes. 

  4.  Sit comfortably. Don’t fuss too much about how you sit, what you wear, what you sit on, etc. You can sit on the floor, bed, or a chair.

  5.  Lower your gaze. Slightly lower your chin and gaze downward in your lap or the floor. you can close your eyes, but it's not necessary.

  6.  Focus on your breath. As you breathe in, focus on the sensation of breathing- feeling your lungs expand and contract, your chest movement, etc.

  7.  Notice your wandering mind. Pay attention to the thoughts that will come to you as you focus on your breath - a wandering mind is perfectly normal. Guide yourself back to the focus of your breath.

  8.  Don't beat yourself up about your wandering mind.  Your mind could wander constantly - it's ok. Don't fight it, instead observe them without reacting to them. Then gently guide yourself back to your breath. 


It's a very simple practice. As hard as it is to maintain, that’s all there is. Come back to your breath over and over again, without judgment or expectation. Do it for 2 minutes, every day, after the same trigger.  Do this for a month and you’ll have a daily meditation habit.


How to Pray  


Prayer is a conversation with God. There are certain things that should be in your prayer:


  1.  Address who you are speaking to. Dear Lord, Heavenly Father, Jesus, The Most High, Allaah, The Divine Light etc. Whatever is best for your spiritual beliefs. 

  2.  Gratitude. Express gratitude for what you already have and the trials you have already overcome. Showing gratitude opens your heart, and more importantly when you focus on what God has already done in the past, it affirms your belief that He will answer this prayer as well.

  3.  Seek God's Will. Sometimes we may ask for something purely out of desire. So always include that you want this thing only if its God's will for you. Also, often when we go through trials we may ask why me, not knowing that this trial is to prepare us for something in our future.

  4.  State your needs. Don't be shy to ask God for the small things. Sometimes, we think we are wasting His time, but God is there for us in all things - big and small. On the other hand, when something big happens, we often ask God last. Wasting our energy on worrying about how we can do this or that. Just pray about it first, asking God to help you.

  5.  Seek Forgiveness. Always ask God to forgive your sins and help you to be a better person.


Get in the habit of praying in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before you go to bed. This way you begin and end each day in gratitude.


These are just five small things you can do to get you started on your wholistic journey. The goal is to strive for progress not perfection. Sometimes you might not do these things, but that's ok. Wake up the next day, shake that shit off, and try it again. Everyday that you wake up is another chance to try it again and get it right. The only failure is to not try at all. So, let's go and Level Up our lives!


Peace and Blessings,










Hey, luv!  I'm Robin.

I'm a beauty professional, wife, mother of 8, and Naani of 9 with a passion for Wholistic Living! I'm dedicated to helping others become green and toxic free with the help of herbs, essential oils, crystals, prayer, meditation, positive mindset, and gratitude journaling. 

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