My Personal Journey?
When I first started trying to eat healthy back in 2013, I was so overwhelmed with the amount of information out there. Do I go vegetarian, vegan, primal, keto, paleo? I quickly ruled out vegetarian and vegan as there are two things that I just cannot stop eating- chicken wings and shrimp! I eventually settled on Primal, which falls under the Paleo umbrella. I had teenage boys who played sports and felt that they needed to eat some form of carbs.
I started shopping at Whole Foods, because at the time they were committed to GMO labeling and I wanted to offer my support. At the same time I started boycotting any company that did not support GMO labeling and was a member of the GMA (Grocery Manufacturers Association). This really limited where I could shop and what I could buy, because, at the time most of the major food brands and store chains belonged to it. My sons were, to say the least, pissed that they could no longer eat Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes. I was distraught that I could no longer eat Hershey’s with Almonds. But, it was something I truly believed in and I was determined to put my money where my mouth was.
Though, being Primal was very hard at first, I was able to adapt, after a few years, LMAO! What I loved most about the movement was that most of the people involved were laid back and not ‘Food Nazis’. Mark Sisson, the author of The Primal Blueprint, is fun loving and chill. His website Mark’s Daily Apple, provides a plethora of knowledge for those just getting started.
​What Are Whole Foods?
Whole Foods, for me, means eating foods that are unprocessed or minimally processed. Processing of food includes cutting, cooking, freezing, combining it with additives or chemicals, and wrapping it up in a package. Whole foods have not been altered chemically or genetically. These include fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and meats that are grown without using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, or GMO feed.
Some examples of whole foods include:
Benefits of Eating Whole Foods
There are many benefits to eating whole, unprocessed, foods which include:
Being rich in vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants
They are nutrient dense and have fewer calories
Contain healthier beneficial fats
Higher amounts of fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar
Here are my top three reasons why I have drastically cut down my intake of processed food and continue to eat whole foods:
Feel Fuller
You can eat way more food if you eat more whole foods, as they are lower in calories. I always start out with my vegetables. I eat a humongous salad that involves 5 cups of vegetables. Next I add my meat and fat. Whatever meat I eat, I usually cook it in butter. Yes Butter, baaaaby! Then I add my fixins’-eggs, sunflower seeds, cheese, and dressing. I only eat 2 meals a day in a six hour eating window. I will discuss this more in another post dedicated to my weight loss journey.
2. More Energy
Since I began eating whole foods, I have way more energy. Now, because I am eating more nutrient dense foods, I have the vitamins and minerals needed to function on a daily basis. Eating more fiber allows the body to better absorb these nutrients. The fiber also regulates blood sugar levels which prevents dips that produce lethargy.
3. Conscious Eating
You become more aware of what you're eating. This allows you to recognize hunger from boredom. Eating whole foods allows you to slow down, by preparing your food, taking the time to chew your food. Therefore you are not mindlessly putting food in your mouth. This habit has contributed to people losing more weight.
You Deserve the Best
Eating whole foods can be time consuming at first, as you have to cook your meals. But, with preparation and planning, it can be done. I usually cook double batches of food so I don’t have to cook on some days. Having healthy snacks on hand such as: nuts, seeds, vegetable slices, and fruit is a great help. Also, a crockpot is a real lifesaver. In the long run, you'll be glad that you started!
Peace & Blessings!